Warehouse statements:
Off The Beaten Track independently sustains attractive and affordable work space for artists, artisans and small businesses in the District of Columbia.
Off The Beaten Track creates symbionic relationships among tenants to promote business opportunities, stimulate knowledge sharing, enhance creativity and increase revenue in its communtiy.
Off The Beaten Track commits to conserving resources by reducing landfill waste and engaging in renewable energy.
What we're doing:
Off The Beaten Track offers space to its community members at below-market rates leaving artists with more money in their pockets and allowing small businesses to operate at higher profit margins.
Off The Beaten Track has implemented green composting. Much of our organic matter, primarily from our florists, is kept out of the rubbish bin and hand-hauled to a field where it decomposes naturally.
Off The Beaten Track installed 200 solar panels on its roof in 2016. These panels supply approximately 40% of the warehouse's electrical energy needs.